22 on 22
Sunday, July 23, 2006
"Sir, I exist!" A man said to the universe. " However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me, a sense of obligation."

I just turned 22. On the 22nd of July.

Well, there really isn't anything special about it. It happens every year anyway.

I guess when you grow as old (as you feel age creeping), you stop getting excited when it comes to celebrating those yearly markers.

That's not to say I'm ungrateful for those who spent a second of their time (and a piso of their load) to greet me.

Thank you very much ya'll. :)

Its been great, those 22 years. And having guys like you around made it that way. Those who never fail to make me smile, and even those who tend to add to the creases in my forehead. (Ya'll know who you are).

Inspite of my inihibition in celebrating birthdays, I suppose I am looking forward to another year. It's a gift from God after all. I guess the only thing I'm wishing for is for me to make the most out of whatever this year brought me. I usually have problems with that, being a slow learner and all.
posted by Lubert at 4:12 AM | Permalink


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Lubert

ay oo nga no... hehe sure... ilang percent gusto mo? :)


At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

99. hehe.