Finally, an update. After a whole month.
When I started this blog I promised myself at leastly a weekly update and a monthly template change. I did neither. Damn.
Anyway, since my last post was about 20 questions, i guess its only fitting to begin updating my blog with that.
I watched the July 8 7:30 showing of the play at the Center for Arts in Timog with Abby, Jay, Levs and Virge. I was actually a little apprehensive about the whole deal. Since one, there was actually a storm brewing (a real one, not the metaphorical one), two, I didnt like the ambiance of the venue, and three, I didnt like the kind of people coming to see the show. No offense to them. They're simply just not my type of crowd. :)
All in all it was good. On the outset we knew the play had a great story. At least I think it had a good story, and I can pretty well name a lot of people who think its great.
Not much can be said about the said. What would you expect, it was set the whole time in a single room, so the challenge for the whole production I would think, would be to make the whole affair inside as realistic as possible.
The girl who played Yumi was great. Her performance was really genuine and I really loved seeing her act. It was really endearing to see her reaction when Jigs told her she was his crush in the barkada all along.
On the other hand, the guy who played Jigs (I'm sorry I wasn't very particular with their names), I think, could have done a better job with his character. I don't know, he was 'stiff' the whole time. I'm no expert, so I guess that may have been Jigs character all along. Then again I cant help but compare the two actors' performance and find that the girl's performance was the one that really rocked.
Then there was the little discussion at the end of the play with the writer himself, Juan Ekis. There were some really good points raised, although I was really pissed off with the host of the discussion. I mean, if you wanted to have a good, intelligent discussion, you should at least play the part of a good, intelligent host and not joke around most of the time.
One good question that was raised though was the question about the existence of guys like Jigs today. I personally dont think its relevant to guys, so girls?
We stopped by Mocha Blends for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. I don't know whether it was the cake, the coffee or the things Joan Nakar sent me through text that night that made me want to vomit. It could very well be because of all of them.
At least I was feeling better by the time we got home. Coffee and gossip never really get along well in my stomach.
After that it was an interestingly dreamless, but ultimately restful sleep.

At 7:23 PM,
hello marie,
first of all thanks for commenting on my post. if i'f known people from the play are going to visit i'd have made more 'tactful' comments. :)
well, i'm not claiming to be theater enthusiast like you guys, so i guess you'll have to think of my critique as something coming from one of those regular guys who read the play on the internet and thought it would be a good idea to watch it on stage. just to get the feel of it when it is actually performed. and maybe to take a break from the movies every once in a while. god knows how much me and my friends need a break from the movies. :)
i guess i may not have said it out loud in my blog but i had a great time watching the show. even after my apprehensions at the start. even with the sudden blackout(so i say screw murphy's law, this is the philippines anyway. plus it added to the flavor of the experience). even though the guy in front of me kept blocking my view of the set. :)
anyway i wish you guys luck in your what you are trying to do. and i do hope you guys will be successful in what you are trying to accomplish.
God bless.
hi crimson!
thank you for watching our show and for your comments... most especially, for advertising for us! : )
just a couple things i wanted to comment on:
1. in case many of you don't know, 99% of the people working on this production are all from one university -- we are students, alumni, and professors who are amateurs, but make up for what we lack in experience through our love for theater.
i'm not saying that this is an excuse for all the "problems" in the production, but merely keep this in mind when you critique us.
how differently would you have critiqued us if you had seen the play at a school auditiorium?
2. venue - we used the venue because it was the best solution to our problem: there was no other venue that we could afford AND that already had lights and a tech booth.
which brings us to our reasons for staging Twenty Questions:
a. we need money to set up our own theater company and have our own venue, complete with a set, tech booth, speakers that work, lights, and comfortable seating.
b. this is what we love to do, so support us, because despite murphy's law and all our limitations, we still try to put on a kick-ass show.
having said all that, here are my final words...
thank you so much to everyone who came to watch our show last weekend!! if you liked it (or at least most of it), please invite your friends and family to watch us. and thank you crimson for your comments -- it's people like you who challenge us to "bring it!"
hopefully, you'll watch again when it's not raining : )