Some stuff I've encountered
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Idle hands and idle minds are the devil's playgrounds.
DSL connection! Hahaha. Hooked our phone line up with PLDT MyDSL and its been downloads galore ever since. Right now I'm gunning for Gilmore Girls episodes.
Levs was actually complaining about how slow PLDT DSL is. I don't really care right now. This is way better than dial-up. Hahaha. Although I wish I have some idea what to do with my dial-up modem.
Some Harry Potter 5 pictures were posted earlier this week! This group picture of the DA made me realize how excited I am to see this movie.

They've also got pictures of the Dolores Umbridge. Hahaha. She reminds me of Abby's cellphone. Click here to see what I mean.
I've found another project to do for the upcoming semestral break. Aside from my Gilmore girls marathon, actionscript and php tutorial hunting, I found a site that will help me make something out of the stacks of floppies I have at home. A floppy bag.

Hmm. I wonder what kind of fashion statement that would make at school. Haha. At least my mom would stop nagging me about them. If you'd like to get rid of your own floppies at home, just send them over. Hehehe.
I was visiting KC Concepcion's Multiply site earlier today. At least it was supposed to be hers. Hahaha. Well it did seem to be hers. Hahaha.
Ayun wala lang. Ganda talaga niya. Ctrl+D! Ctrl+D! Hahaha.
Haay. Ang sarap talaga ng mayaman. To be able to travel to Europe and visit all those places. Hehehe. Sana ako din. Haha. Or better, sana kasama niya ko. Hahaha. Hey a guy can dream right? :D
DSL connection! Hahaha. Hooked our phone line up with PLDT MyDSL and its been downloads galore ever since. Right now I'm gunning for Gilmore Girls episodes.
Levs was actually complaining about how slow PLDT DSL is. I don't really care right now. This is way better than dial-up. Hahaha. Although I wish I have some idea what to do with my dial-up modem.
Some Harry Potter 5 pictures were posted earlier this week! This group picture of the DA made me realize how excited I am to see this movie.

They've also got pictures of the Dolores Umbridge. Hahaha. She reminds me of Abby's cellphone. Click here to see what I mean.
I've found another project to do for the upcoming semestral break. Aside from my Gilmore girls marathon, actionscript and php tutorial hunting, I found a site that will help me make something out of the stacks of floppies I have at home. A floppy bag.

Hmm. I wonder what kind of fashion statement that would make at school. Haha. At least my mom would stop nagging me about them. If you'd like to get rid of your own floppies at home, just send them over. Hehehe.
I was visiting KC Concepcion's Multiply site earlier today. At least it was supposed to be hers. Hahaha. Well it did seem to be hers. Hahaha.
Ayun wala lang. Ganda talaga niya. Ctrl+D! Ctrl+D! Hahaha.
Haay. Ang sarap talaga ng mayaman. To be able to travel to Europe and visit all those places. Hehehe. Sana ako din. Haha. Or better, sana kasama niya ko. Hahaha. Hey a guy can dream right? :D
posted by Lubert at 9:42 AM | Permalink

punta ka dito vigile hehe hanapin mo na lang yung instructions for the floppy bag... i seem to have lost he link eh... tsaka ctrl+D is the keyboard shortcut to bookmark the current page you're in... alam ko pwede siya for internet explorer and mozilla eh... :D
At 10:34 PM, Goddess Levs
what if I wanted my own floppy bag loobert?