Different takes
Friday, May 04, 2007
We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.

I am telling you, there could be nothing worse than having a cold in this kind of weather. Not only do you feel sick, you feel so out of place. People look at you with a question in their minds saying, "What's up with you?"
Not only that, the runny nose doesnt really fit well into the kain tulog lifestyle I'm sporting this summer. It feels like whats left of my meager brain is leaking out when I try to get some sleep.
Not only that, the runny nose doesnt really fit well into the kain tulog lifestyle I'm sporting this summer. It feels like whats left of my meager brain is leaking out when I try to get some sleep.
No sweeteners will cloak some form of bitterness. If it tastes bitter, spit it out. That's what our earliest ancestors did.

Graphic novels seem to be the IN thing these days as I found out during a visit to one local bookstore where I found an interesting read. The Marvel Universe set in 17th Century Europe. Apparently this 8 part series won the 2005 Quill Book Award for Graphic Novels.
A sort of a mash-up between the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Spiderman and a few others set on a time when America wasnt the center of the world and science, alchemy and magic are pretty much the same thing in the eyes of a surperstitious populace.
I am not quite sure about how it will be taken by those not familiar with the who's who of the Marvel Universe but I guess the average comic book reader in me appreciated seeing Magneto as the Grand Inquisitor of Spain, Jean Grey posing as page for Carlos Javier (Charles Xavier), Peter Parquagh (Peter Parker), Sir Nicolas Fury (Nick Fury) and a blind Irish bard named Matthew Murdock (this era's version of the Daredevil) teaming up to save the Templar's treasure (no, not the one described by Da Vinci's paintings). And don't forget my personal favorite, Steve Rogers aka Captain America posing as an American Indian named Rohjaz.
The graphic novel was quite engaging. Although it did make my stomach squirm with its political overtones in the end. I guess they really couldn't exclude America in the end.
A sort of a mash-up between the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Spiderman and a few others set on a time when America wasnt the center of the world and science, alchemy and magic are pretty much the same thing in the eyes of a surperstitious populace.
I am not quite sure about how it will be taken by those not familiar with the who's who of the Marvel Universe but I guess the average comic book reader in me appreciated seeing Magneto as the Grand Inquisitor of Spain, Jean Grey posing as page for Carlos Javier (Charles Xavier), Peter Parquagh (Peter Parker), Sir Nicolas Fury (Nick Fury) and a blind Irish bard named Matthew Murdock (this era's version of the Daredevil) teaming up to save the Templar's treasure (no, not the one described by Da Vinci's paintings). And don't forget my personal favorite, Steve Rogers aka Captain America posing as an American Indian named Rohjaz.
The graphic novel was quite engaging. Although it did make my stomach squirm with its political overtones in the end. I guess they really couldn't exclude America in the end.